Monday, September 1, 2008

Baby Esther

Esther. She is 9 months old and weighs just over 8 pounds. She was abandoned by her father after her mom died and was then brought to the local orphanage where I found her. We have brought her into our house to help her and love her. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for her and us as we struggle daily to bring her back to health.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Dear Family in God- I am touched and moved by your mission in Tanzasnia. My cousin and husband were once in the Peace Corps there (5 years ago). I get your email updates through my mother-in-law at the Buyers Guide. I believe that your mother works there. I will add you to my daily prayers and rest assured that Esther is with Jesus. As we all know "he gathers the lambs in his arms", she is beyond delight to be sitting in his lap right now.
I am a teacher in North Muskegon and I am interested in the school you are building there. Have you ever read "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortensen it is a real story and has a familiar story of your life. If you ever need a sounding board for educational ideas please feel free to contact me, I have some strange but good educational contacts. Just curious, how far along is the school and what do your supplys look like?

May God be with you

Jo Anna Berry